Miscellaneous Interactivities

This is a short list of some of the interactivities available in this directory. New interactivities are added every week. However, I don't always have time to add things to the index. To keep up to date with what I'm doing, join the Interactivities Forum:

  1. Matching Puzzles - A series of flashcard/concentration puzzles - sometimes with an added interactive twist. Covers a wide range of  topics.
  2. Dolch Word Lists - Generate talking bingo cards using Dolch word lists.
  3. Speech toys - Explore two simple word games with the Speaks for Itself speech plugin.
  4. Classical Duet - Match the pairs of names from Classical Mythology.
  5. Flash Colouring Book - a simple demonstration of using Flash to create a colouring book.
  6. Telecommunications - Multidisciplinary interactivities related to learning about the history of telecommunications.
  7. Hunter and Monkey - Flash version of the old physics experiment to demonstrate gravity.
  8. Diffusion - Simple diffusion experiment.
  9. Kepler - Demonstration of gravity exerted by two planets on eachother.
  10. Illusions - Short tutorial to demonstrate how to use vector graphics to give an illusion of three dimensional depth to a picture.

Have you seen my Mathematical Interactivities or Code Snippets?


The Interactivities Forum

Join a group of 100 educators who discuss student/teacher web-based interactivity. In other words, we collaborate on similar projects to these, share news and advice, give encouragement and support.

 To join, visit http://www.interactivestuff.org/forum